this blew me away.......very sad....almost had tears in my eyes.....
you might like our new song on you tube titled '0940 our spiritual mother' about the experience her 'children' have had as jehovah's witnesses.
it's a reworded version of mother (pink floyd) set to new and historic watchtower images.. some who've already seen it have been kind enough to describe it as 'incredibly sad', 'powerful' and even 'poignant'.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v3krimouav0&feature=youtu.be .
this blew me away.......very sad....almost had tears in my eyes.....
i've published a new article on my blog about the agony that people go through in seeking reinstatement.
part one includes a personal experience of one that crawled throught this field of glass in order to be able to regain a relationship with a close friend that is asleep in the jw movement.. part two will have a transcript (and accompanying audio on my youtube channel) from a sister that recorded her entire reinstatement hearing, including what the elders said about her after she was dismissed from the room while they deliberated.. here's a peek at the article on jwstruggle:.
.. .. .. there are likely a number of you on jwnet that have "been there and back again" and gone through it.. what was the hardest thing about getting reinstated?.
Ray - great article....
the borg is sooooo wrong!
thats all i can say....and i left them...i walked away and had the last word....i told 2 elders why i was walking away to quote a scripture John 13:35 "by this all will know you are my disciples if you have love among yourselves" or words to that effect (its been a while since i even opened a bible)......and then i concluded that the congregation did not have love in it - so i basically stopped short of saying they were not the true religion...that is what i meant...and the F***ing idiots didn't even get it....oh well i guess that's the price the GB pay for not letting the R&F get an education....not able to deduce or come to a logical conclusion.....
they did over the time later try to have the last word and get me to a meeting with elders +/- a JC....but i had my wits about me and dodged them....
its around 10 years on now....
if you could get all willing participants on this board together in one area for a party, and told them to bring favorite music, food, movies, and dressed in certain fashion, all of which has been discouraged or outright banned either by the wts or by their flunkies (do, co, elders, busybodies in the hall, etc.
), what would you bring?.
i would bring:.
a really short skirt...and someone really hot that i could get drunk with and make wild passionate love with
i just need to vent,you see i was a born in.it's taken me 20 years after fading from the org to finally get my mind free from the wt dogma.i was on the phone with my aunt today and the subject of my mother her older sister came up.now mind you i haven't spoken to my mother in a month or so after my daughter stayed the weekend at her house and she was being tag teamed about the hall and how i took a vow to jehovah and i'm a failure and i'll be destroyed at armagedon.this exchange upset my daughter so much that she was near the point of tears when she returned home and she hasnt spoken to my mother or father since.anyway back to the conversation with my aunt,she let it slip that my mother told her that she wished she had let the seamen that fertilized the egg that produced me had slid down her legnno bear in mind i can remember as a child running into her room playing and she would say to me as a 7 year old child "i wished i had left you in oblivion"this is one of many such saying my mother had for me......i wasn't a bad child i just wasn't allowed to do anything such as going outside going over a friends house....etc,i have struggled for years as to why this woman hates me so.i got baptized at 15 really as a way of pleasing them what the hell does a child know at 15??
?granted it took me some time to get myself together and put those hurtful comments in the past,but today when my aunt let it slip about what my mother has said about me it was like pulling a scap off of a wound.my wife always complains about how im emotionless and distance,this was done by me as a way of protecting myself.so i've decided and i hate to say this that my christian god fearing parents...are dead to me there is no way i can have a relationship with people that are so wicked and since she never wanted me anyway....it works out for the best thx i just needed to vent i felt like i was going to pop..
i sent you a PM
i'm 19, and i'm still currently a jw.
i guess i'm a born-in, or whatever you guys call it.
i've had some serious issues with the faith at the moment, and sexuality is a huge part.
ps what country are you in?
im in sydney australia
i'm 19, and i'm still currently a jw.
i guess i'm a born-in, or whatever you guys call it.
i've had some serious issues with the faith at the moment, and sexuality is a huge part.
Hi and welcome to the board....
I dont think there would be anyone here who would reject you on the basis of your sexuality....
I dont know a lot about how to help...but i do have some suggestions that would help you get you some support...
1) DO NOT DA or DF yourself.......make sure you FADE....this will allow your family to keep talking to you if they feel the emotional pull to after you fade....
2) to do the fade you need to do as the others have suggested....move out....don't discuss your sexuality with your family as they aren't able to be open minded about it bec who in their right mind would choose to 'CHOOSE' a life as they say against god ie being gay just to be destroyed...they are insane in what they think honestly....also your life sexuality is your business...so dont shove it in their face, not that you are...but this will help in the fading process so that what they dont know they cant condemn you on...even if they suspect....
3) find a counselling service for those who are gay that helps the person accept who they are and love themselves.....this would be good emotional support for you....
4) fade... stop going and having contact with other jws...make sure you don't live in the same territory as your cong now...so that you are outside the border of those elders...it may make it difficult for them to track you down...dont give your parents your address until time has settled so they cant pass it on to the elders - this could be a year or so....
5) make friends on the outside...
6) in the counselling you seek make sure they talk about safe sex.....and developing healthy relationships...so you dont end up abused...lots of jws end up abused when they leave the borg...bec of hte conditioning of the borg...well thats waht i suspect, i can't really back it up except for personal experience....
7) most IMPORTANTLY: if the elders ever come to you in 2's or ask you to a judicial committee...dont go and say nothing...(make sure you dont get DF'ed) even lie about specific questions...it is none of their business....you are allowed to lie about things like that bec asking someone about their personal sexual life is no ones business and especially when they will use it to damage your relationships and reputation amongst other jws...you are certainly justified in lying about it.....protect yourself and your family relationships as much as possible...
8) make sure you dont have family or jws as friends on social media so they cannot keep tabs on what you are doing in your life.....also make sure your settings on facebook etc are private so they cannot spy on what you are doing.....
and stay in touch with the board....we here are here for each other
i'm doing the happy dance!
just got word a few minutes ago.
his odds are pretty good!
Coffee - congratulations im so pleased to hear this....let us know how he goes...
i too love hearing about people studying...im starting my second degree now....
i love education.....god knows what i will do after that degree finishes....
i am interested in the answers for a new poll.
also, feel free to suggest other options, wording etc.agreed in full with the watchtower guidelinesagreed with shunning in general, but not for familywas stumbled by this practice but shunned as instructeddid not agree with the practice and secretly associated with disfellowshipped people .
for me personally, i did not agree with the practice and secretly associated with disfellowshipped people, even whilst at bethel.
I was stumbled by the policy, but shunned as instructed until i left the borg....
I never agreed with it...
this is truly terrible.
i just love the statement "instead of eulogizing the deceased, use the material in this outline to give a fine witness concerning the truth.
" in other words, utterly disregard the deceased.
my mum died 2 years ago....but we had left the borg years before that....
we made sure we did not have a dub do the service... we had different people from different periods in mums life give a eulogy of that time....
some jws turned up - not that they were invited..don't know how they found out but they came incl an elder and an ex elder...
it was the most beautiful funeral ive been too....
and so many of mums friends said so too..including some of her jw best friends that were there...
it was not done in a way that "worshipped' her as the jws try to say...but it was funny and nice...experiences from her life...it was an overview of her life...
im glad we were able to pay her some honour
RIP mum, I love you and miss you every day xxx
so i started a reply on the topic of "what's your status?
" and it made me think about my df hearing (sorry i can't remember the exact term for what happened).. so i was fading, living in a different country, working & making rare appearances at my kingdom hall.
i was flat sharing with a sister though.
Do the elders get erections from hearing details?
can anyone verify this?